28 May 2019 AD; St Augustine of Canterbury, St Bernard of Montjoux, St Germanus; Rogation Day


Neutrinos are described in the main equation (Book 6, part I and part II) by three values of respective angles at Transcendental Constants C_M(inus)_1, C_M(inus)_2 and C_M(inus)_3. Each value of the function gives 2 angles so in total you get 6 different angles - three for neutrinos and three for corresponding electron,  tau and muon. It is the same as in the previous article about quarks: up and down quarks, strange and charm quarks and bottom and top quarks.

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28 May 2019 AD; St Augustine of Canterbury, St Bernard of Montjoux, St Germanus


In this and next article I will present some introduction to neutrinos (1-3 min videos) and a link to the article from Wikipedia about neutrinos (more advanced).

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16 May 2019 AD; St Ubaldus, St John Nepomucene, St Brendan the Navigator, St Simon Stock

In this article, I will present calculation of the quark mixing angles (i.e. morphing from one type of quark to another) and quark quantum numbers.

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16 May 2019 AD; St Ubaldus, St John Nepomucene, St Brendan the Navigator, St Simon Stock


As I said in the Narrative for Quarks, two components of the Main Equation (Book 6, part I and part II) are added together (the physicists called this superposition, but this is a simple sum. This, by the way, suggests that the quarks mixing procedures are linear in nature).

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15 May 2019 AD; Feast of St Isidore the Farmer, St John Baptist de la Salle, and St Dymphna

Only the Electromagnetic Force seems to be perfectly symmetrical.

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