2 March 2024 Blessed Charles the Good 1124 AD


This article is a bit 'mystical'.

From the creation of Transcendental Numbers, one can assume that there are three components of these numbers:

π, e, and their ratio π/e.

The ratio will include an earthly component ‘7/5.’ Then, the ratio = (7/5) x (π/e).

This addition of a fraction may apply just to our Universe or heaven as well.

Notice that the value of that ratio equals the Transcendental Fibonacci constant.

 f = (7/5) x (π/e) = 1.61801828971…

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4 September 2023 AD; St. Rose of Viterbo (1252)


In this section, I use a very simple trick – raising the vector obtained from the main equation to the power of a fraction and then again to its reciprocal and obtaining the 'error,’ that is, the difference between the original value of the vector and the result of the mathematical operation I just described. It seems trivial, but after some research, I am not sure anymore if this is only a precision calculation error (the error is of magnitude 10^-31).

I claim that there is a possibility that those 'errors' may be more than just that.

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133. Syllabus – Part I; The Introduction.

18 July 2022

St. Camillus de Lellis (1614 AD); St. Symphorosa and her 7 Sons (120 AD); St. Frederick (838 AD)


Genesis 1: 1-31

Douay-Rheims 1899 American Edition:

In the beginning God created heaven, and earth.

And the earth was void and empty, and darkness was upon the face of the deep; and the spirit of God moved over the waters.

And God said: Be light made. And light was made.

And God saw the light that it was good; and he divided the light from the darkness.

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22 August 2023 AD

Immaculate Heart of Mary;

Queenship of the Blessed Virgin Mary.


Soon, very soon, there will be a new section posted about probabilities of Angular Momenta and/or Position/Location of Neutrinos and Quarks (yes). I'll try to post the Syllabus as soon as possible. Thank you for your patience.

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132. Syllabus of the course – “Voyage through God’s Universe (Cosmos and beyond) according to St. Hildegard von Bingen and others, with the help of Mathematics, Cosmology and Quantum Mechanics."


16 July 2022

Our Lady of Mount Carmel (1251 AD)


Geometry and Mechanics of the Universe according to the visions given to St. Hildegard von Bingen:

  • “The Book of Divine Works” translated by Nathaniel M. Campbell; Part One, Vision Two: “Then, upon the breast of the aforementioned image that I had seen in the middle of the southern sky, as described above, there appeared a wheel, wonderful to see, together with its signs and symbols. This wheel was nearly like that instrument that I had seen twenty-eight years before, signified in the shape of an egg, as shown in the third vision of the book of “Scivias.”; p. 46

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