15 June 2020 AD;
St Vitus, St Modestus and St Crescentia (c. 300)
St Germaine Cousin (1601)
25 November 2020 AD; St Catherine of Alexandria (307)
9. God and the Creation of the Universe and Music. The First Sounds. Part II
In this article, I will derive the first sounds in the Universe based on the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) which is so to speak the earliest picture of our Universe.
From Figure 1. we can see that frequencies in Hertz might be assigned to the Peaks and Troughs (see the article Creation of the Universe and Music. Part I ).
Read more: 9. God and the Creation of the Universe and Music. The First Sounds. Part II
Write comment (0 Comments)6 June 2020 AD; St Norbert (1134)
25 November 2020 AD; St Catherine of Alexandria (307)
8. God and the Creation of the Universe and Music. Part I
In this article, I will present the sounds created at the same time as the Universe was created. To get these sounds (Music) we need the Cosmic Microwave Background Power Spectrum. This fact was made possible only recently, thanks to the satellites such as Planck or WMAP, etc.
Read more: 8. God and the Creation of the Universe and Music. Part I
Write comment (0 Comments)1 March 2019: Feast of Sts. David and Albinus
6. Narrative for Transcendental Music versus Traditional Music
These articles describe the importance of Transcendental Constants in the music world.
We use an artificial scale which is only a rough approximation of reality, while the Transcendental Music Scale is a perfect description for music.
Read more: 6. Narrative for Transcendental Music versus Traditional Music
Write comment (0 Comments)5 June 2020 AD; St Boniface (754)
25 November 2020 AD; St Catherine of Alexandria (307)
7. The Narrative for an article: "God and the Creation of the Universe and Music."
While looking at evidence of Creation (Cosmic Microwave Background, CMB for short) I noticed that the CMB Power Spectrum has some music encoded in it. This fact is nothing new since astronomers noticed also that there were acoustic waves at the beginning of the Universe, as described by Cosmic Microwave Background Power Spectrum.
Read more: 7. The Narrative for an article: "God and the Creation of the Universe and Music."
Write comment (0 Comments)28 February 2019
5. Comparison of the Transcendental Music Scale vs Traditional
Here are merged files with frequencies from Table 3: Transcendental and Traditional.
You can listen on your music player, or in your browser, and you will see that there is no difference in sound, even at high frequencies.
Read more: 5. Comparison of the Transcendental Music Scale vs Traditional
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